Welcome to Mahavir International

Inspired by the noble teachings of Lord Mahavir, Mahavir International started out as a humble effort of a few like minded people in 1975 on the occassion of the 2500th Anniversary of Lord Mahavir's Nirvana. Armed with the motto of "Love All Serve All' and the principle of "Live and let live", this organization took upon itself the task of promoting the philosophy and teachings of Non-violence, Non-injury, Truth, Ahimsa, Fellow-feeling and Brotherhood everywhere. These lofty ideals are of enduring significance and belong to the whole of humanity. They hold good for all times in all places.

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International President’s Message

vijay singh

Mahavir International (MI) is a 44 years old NGO dedicated on principles of Lord Mahavir “LOVE ALL SERVE ALL” and “LIVE AND LET LIVE”.  This is an organization without any religion and believe only in service to all..

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International Secretary General


Mahavir International is a Non-Religious Social Service Organization. It was started four decades ago on 4th July 1975, in Jaipur (Rajasthan), by a few like-minded senior bureaucrats and businessmen...

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Upcoming Events

Vision & Mission

  • To promote teachings and philosophy of Lord Mahavir among the people of the world.

  • To be true to our motto of "Love All Serve All".

  • To promote doctrines of Truth, Ahimsa and Love and their practice in life.

  • To infuse and practice the golden rule, "Live and Let Live".

  • To promote active interest in the social cultural, moral and civic welfare of the society and to promote it.

  • To hold discussions on all matters of public interest.

  • To mobilize public opinion against social evils and out-dated customs.